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Rwby Blake and Yang Funny Comics

Created by tumblr user Eunnieverse, Dumb_RWBY is an Affectionate Parody of RWBY, using derpy expressions and various scenes from the show to create wackier alternate interpretations. While its art design is relatively simple, the comic is quite funny in spite of — and also because of — this minimalism.

Tropes applying to Dumb RWBY

  • Adaptational Jerkass: Ruby casually jokes about Pyrrha's death while talking to Jaune. Twice.
  • Adaptation Personality Change: Invoked for the sake of comedy.
    • Ozpin is an idiot who endangers his students for fun, with his initial beginning exam being "Throw the students off a cliff to see who lives", before deciding it was too boring.
    • Glynda is portrayed as the Only Sane Man who nobody ever listens to.
    • Ruby is a Cloud Cuckoo Lander, feeding her dog with a scythe and eating a cookie with her nose.
  • Affectionate Parody: It's very clear that Eunnie watches and loves RWBY, given the amount of scenes parodied in the comic, his artwork, and that he owns a Rooster Teeth account. Still doesn't mean any of the scenes are safe from wackiness and Black Comedy.
  • All Just a Dream/April Fools' Day: Poor Jaune.
  • And I Must Scream: Played for Laughs. Apparently, the Grimm Dragon is permanently stuck at the top of the tower with no way to get down and is fully conscious. He's also getting mocked by his friends.
  • Art Shift: Two strips feature Eunnieverse's more typical art style, before cutting back to the more usual simplistic style for the punchline. In another, Eunnieverse's more typical art style is used FOR the punchline.
  • Ascended Meme: One of the comics was remade into the skit "Letter to Winter" of RWBY Chibi, Episode 21.
  • Atomic F-Bomb: Tai upon finding Ruby's gone and Qrow's gone with her.
  • Black Comedy: Eunnie likes taking serious and dramatic moments from the show and find some way to make them funnier. For example, Penny's dismemberment, Yang losing an arm, Pyrrha getting burned alive, the list goes on...
  • Blatant Lies: Seems legit.
  • Boomerang Bigot: Eunnie's theory as to why Sienna has 4 ears.
  • Butt-Monkey:
    • Jaune, as usual, gets the short end of the stick a lot.
    • Taiyang's appearances mostly seem to like giving him an even shorter end than Jaune; one is him finding out Ruby just left, another is him being compared to Jaune, but sadder, and yet another has Zwei leave him on a motorcycle.
  • Comically Missing the Point: Jaune attempts to serenade Weiss, only to get shot down immediately. He then determines that he needs to try harder.
  • Commonality Connection: Jaune and Taiyang bond over dead girlfriends.
  • Cool Teacher: When Qrow shows up drunk to teach his class at Signal, his students think of him as this (with the exception of the very mortified Ruby).
  • Costume Evolution: Funny enough, this actually gets justified by Ruby, saying how they probably don't want to wear the same clothes every single day while traveling.
  • Covert Pervert: If you support the idea those books are all Blake's.
  • Damned by Faint Praise: It's a little hard to say good things about someone who eats a cookie through their nose.
  • Dude, Not Funny!: Qrow makes a wisecrack about Yang losing her arm, and all the rest of RWB can do is stare in shock.
  • Flanderization: As a general rule, character aspects will often be amped up for the sake of comedy. For example:
    • Nora's violent tendencies are amped up to the point where she gets a double Nosebleed when Pyrrha accidentally kills Penny.
    • Blake's Heroic BSoD gets massive enough that she starts arguing with a lamp as a result of having no sleep.
    • Ozpin is perfectly willing to throw his students off a cliff to test them, before deciding he needs to make it more dangerous.
    • Velvet taking pictures of Sun's chest is taken to its logical conclusion when it's revealed she's been taking pictures of asses all day.
  • Granola Guy: Ren's choice of juice.
  • Hollywood Old: Parodied In-Universe. Qrow says that Glynda's too old to inherit the powers of the Fall Maiden because old people can't be maidens. Cinder later expresses confusion about Raven being the Spring Maiden for the same reason. Raven is not amused.
  • Hollywood Tactics: Ironwood's best plan is to put two men in a wide open forest that will soon be filled with dangerous Grimm.
  • Incredibly Lame Pun: Yang cracks a few right here, likely so her friends won't have negative feelings and attract more Grimm
  • In Love with Your Carnage: Played for Laughs, as Nora apparently has a major crush on Pyrrha during the tournament, complete with Nosebleed after she dismembers Penny.
  • Literal-Minded: Poor Mercury. Well, not really, but still.
  • Metaphorically True: Did you kill Ozpin?
  • Not Good with Rejection: "I may fall."
  • Nonstandard Character Design: Yatsuhashi. Not only is he twice as tall as everyone else, his mouth is also closed.
    • Some character get the chance to have different jawlines than the others, most notably Tyrian and Ironwood.
  • Oh, Crap!: An appropriate reaction when a titanic swordsman looks very angry at you.
  • Older Than They Look: Neo ends up in a lost child center as a result of her youthful appearance. She later kills the guard to get out.
  • Only Six Faces: To an absurd degree. Everybody (with the exception of Yatsuhashi) has the exact same face and exact same facial expression no matter who they are or what they're doing. Then again, this was probably intentional.
    • Some character get the chance to have different jawlines than the others, most notably Tyrian and Ironwood.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: Ozpin wears one to hide from Salem. He even does a Last-Second Word Swap and gives his name as ""
  • Rule of Funny: Ren taking slime from a lakebed to feed to Pyrrha thinking it's healthy, Ruby eating a cookie through her nose, Blake talking to a lamp; all for the sake of comedy.
  • Running Gag: Baller, right?
  • Shipper on Deck: "No one ships blacksun harder than Kali, right now."

    Kali: Are you two married yet?

  • Shout-Out: In one of the scenes of Jacques's recordings, he's wearing the mask of Kamen Rider 1.
  • Sneeze Cut: The Mother's Day comic
  • Stylistic Suck: Eunnie can draw better, it's just funnier this way.
    • He even lampshades the minimalistic art style, complaining about how he'll have to redraw the characters to match their Volume 4 redesigns and how it'll take him an hour to do everyone.
  • Toilet Humor: RIP (Rest in poop)
  • Totally Radical: Many characters (for some reason) end up using slang such as "peeps" or "my man".
  • Wham Line: Parodied when Jaune is about to tell Pyrrha that he got into Beacon by forging his papers.

    Jaune: Pyrrha?
    Pyrrha: Yes Jaune?
    Jaune: I cheated Beacon
    Pyrrha: [shocked]

  • The Woobie: Pointed out in this comic to be Jaune and Taiyang
  • When All You Have is a Hammer…: Ask the girl with the hammer to hit people really hard.
  • Yandere: Pyrrah in a sense of being an exageration towards Jaune.
  • Yaoi Fangirl: Two Comics make Blake this.
